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That's my people, I say it back again, question for you though. Have you guys ever played Simpsons Hit and Run? Me personally, I can't lie, it was the best original GTA 5 in my eyes. You know what I'm saying Big Dark? Anyway, yeah man, let me know your best moments this that down below
This game is absolute classic Simpsons hit and run this is that this was definitely like a GTA tap vibes turn on the light run riot that freeboard tap a game yeah but I miss this game on
Yes on my favourite games of all time on the PS2 aeroplane ability in the moment people are playing GTA5 + where you go while gaming into a lot it will be so be so much choice my choice and all that for me I had that all plane hit and run I can remember all the levels so well yeah definite definition game
Yeah I did play hit and run several time is my childhood they should make it as a remastered should get some new characters cars maps missions that will be dope