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All right, very random question, but I'm curious about it. How many of you on here have ever rented a movie Via red box, you know those kiosks that are outside of gas stations and Walmart Let me know or if you guys even have a DVD player blu-ray player, whatever it is I have a big collection and I use that baby all the time, but have you ever touched one? Let me know
So when I was in college there was a red box right by the McDonald's down the road from the school he my girlfriend and her all the time your McDonald's drinks get a movie and go out watch it is just such a great deal spend a dollar can we bring back Redbox was fantastic I really kind a miss you doing that
Oh yeah, before we used to definitely rent movies from Redbox, it was actually like a thing that we would do like every weekend. Go get movies and then watch movies at home with the family. It's really nice.
I don't know what you talked about in this whole thing. What's a DVD player? What's a CD? I don't even know what that is. What's a TV? I don't what are you talking about, bro? What a DVD player. What the hell is that?