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Judy 628d
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Dɾҽαɱყ 628d
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I just want to point out that it seems like you did make that up and put it on here. So, believe in yourself. You know? It seems like you can do it.
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I always believe in myself because I'm a music artist and I believe in all the music that I do make and everything that I do Things that I cannot make up, things that I actually see in real life, like rain, I can't make that up You know, when I say it's raining, you know, I can't make that up because it's actually raining, you know So it's not in not believing in myself because I always do I'm an RX-13, I'm on YouTube, I'm on all platforms and so yeah
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And I also want to thank you for the encouraging words because some people don't believe in themselves. But thank you and I always believe in myself. Thank you for the encouraging words.
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Hey what's up sending love to you and Sarah money I hope you enjoy stereo much love to you take care alien Jimmy
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Thanks, I appreciate it and much love to you too, and I'm definitely enjoying myself
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