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Would you guys buy a $10 watermelon or am I just insane because every time I go to the store I go grocery shopping once a week I always buy a freaking watermelon every time and it's only my daughter and I that eat it my husband hates watermelon and it lasts about a week in the fridge after I cut it up and I love it but is it worth $10 I don't even know
It matters to you if you all like it if your daughter and you enjoy it if it's worth it I will seem to know all that melons around here too and I first I thought I was crazy but I love watermelon so no you are not listening
Watermelon is one of the two things that my daughter will eat, so I definitely have to buy the watermelon even for its $10. and what really sucks is I'm allergic to it. I can't even have it. I had it, I was able to eat it all the way up until I had my second daughter and then I couldn't have an email. So yeah, his ex.
Honestly I think it's definitely worth the $10 because my kids love watermelon is one of the fruits that they will devour we only have the mini wild watermelon's close to me so one of those mini watermelon last us a day here so if I can find a big watermelon for 10 bucks that would be awesome
I would not like what the heck my mom told me because she works at Costco and show me she told me that the watermelon at Costco is like over 10 bucks like what the heck I've always used to be so much cheaper than everything is just skyrocketing in price so that sucks