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I feel like society is at a point right now where even though mainstream media isn't talking about this and creating a new norm based on the abundance of scientific studies we have that show the dangers of sugar. Oh, mainstream media! We don't need mainstream media to validate the fact that sugar is sinister. sugar is addictive, especially added sugars. I'm not talking about all the sugars bad and all that, but we really have to take a pause and sit back and see, well, what effect does sugar really have on our bodies? There's a plethora of lab rat studies that show that rats will honestly go to sugar over cocaine. Sugar has been proven to be more addictive than cocaine. And yet we are still celebrating holidays such as Halloween where we are literally drugging up the youth and people with sugar that's addicting that is literally degenerative to our brains to our nerves It's... one of those things that irks me. It does. So anyways, I linked a podcast episode that goes into the effects on sugar and how it affects us, our bodies, our minds, our moods, our mental health. I mean, it goes deep, you guys. So let me know about your journey with sugar if you've had any struggles and let me know your thoughts if you have any. it down below and check out the podcast episode too.
I love you feel like there is like sugar is addicting and it honestly does have an effect on your mood inside of me believe all of this I feel like I've heard this before