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Greg 686d
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T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
Anagha Ahire 686d
Anagha Ahire
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UurmiP 686d
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Haishali S 684d
Haishali S
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Wais Habibi 684d
Wais Habibi
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Big black Daddy jojo
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Lanecountry 680d
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Harmoniii 678d
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Doge 678d
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Nathan 677d
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What do you guys think happens in area 51 so it's basically a research facility based in the US where all the information is classified so nobody knows what goes on there and they think people think that they are hiding information about UFOs and aliens so what do you think there actually goes on in there
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Honestly I don't think I would even want to be publicly speculating on and on area 51 all I was saying is there's a lot of stuff happening there that we probably see in our every day lives and act like it's normal so I'll just leave it there
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Well guess what Gregory wrong area 51 is full of aliens and UFOs wake up escape the matrix
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I don't know I will I like go back-and-forth with this I've seen couple documentaries and I'm always saying stuff I conspiracy theories sometimes I'm like super convinced that like there's no way so I feel like there's I feel like unless there's like significant substantial evidence I don't know if I believe it
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I don't know if they're hiding like aliens or anything like that but I feel like there is like some weird stuff going on there because otherwise why would they hide it like so much
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I think they do testing on subjects and like other things they don't want the public to know well but I definitely think something dodgy is going on but they can't tell the public
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I feel like really messed up human experiments are going on there because why else would they hide it?
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In area 51 they do basic researches and stuff like that and try to figure out about secret shit that goes around the world and other stuff like that honestly I'm just basic drills figure it out what the fuck PR we doing creepy shit mean it's just really weird stuff or are they around the world
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The aliens play a bit of Call of Duty® with the boys
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Honestly, I don't feel like they just had information about UFOs and aliens. I think they had all kinds of stuff like stuff that's gonna happen in the world. Sooner or later, things that's gonna happen underground. Things that's gonna happen in the sky. Like, new lands that nobody knows exists. All this other stuff. Like, underwater dinosaurs. All this. like I don't care.
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It's actually where the Air Force and Army have like secret or nuclear weapons stored. I think and they have an air base there. So I think it's for the military and it stops the equip because they don't want any like other country knowing about what they're about to do.
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Shit shit in area 51 on an even want to know what happened it's probably just like a secretive oh airplane airway bill like maybe like test out nuclear bombs an alarm new aircraft player and I swear people live in bringing theories of about aircraft because they think that is something so crazy but they probably just wanna touch down the stuff for the future
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