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Would you say that you are a beach person or would you say that you are a camping person or more of a wilderness person personally I'm more of a beach person if I myself all over them
Great question, however, I cannot answer because I don't go camping quite often, but when I do, I get the best sleep of my life. Like the best sleep of my life. I do love the beach. I do like wildlife, outdoors, that kind of thing. Sometimes, sometimes, cause there's people out there. But you know, I like it all. I like it all. Yeah. And remember, if there's love outside of clemency, there isn't. Meaning if you're
A great great question I would say that I'm a bit of both I love a good beach and I also love a good camping or wilderness vibe so I don't know how to take one if I have to pick one I would say that Sod because they I love both of them ha ha I'm gonna have to come back