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Evileyes 688d
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So for those of you like me that saw Megan, I think a lot of our first reactions were pretty good, but needs that hard R rating, right? Well, apparently they it was R rated and they scaled it back because the dance went viral on TikTok and they wanted to appeal to like the teenage audience But there was an unrated cut and they did put it on peacock. So I'm here to tell you if you know worth it not worth it If you haven't seen the movie yet, I would say it's worth it because you may as well watch it with the R rating But if you've already seen it in my opinion, it's not worth it There's only a couple things that are changed and they're good But I mean it's not even worth like fast forwarding to the parts There's just like like 98 99% of the movies exact same and The couple kills that are like more graphic or like, you know, they're like, oh, that's you know, it's better But it's not It's not worth it. I don't think and the whole finale is still like a zero-death fight, you know So I don't know still a decent movie to me. I enjoyed it. I wouldn't mind seeing another one but I don't think the unrated cut was worth the trouble.
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I feel like it was a good kid's like cheesy movie I guess
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