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Liangelo Baker
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Adea Sfarqa 689d
Adea Sfarqa
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Teressa Reese 688d
Teressa Reese
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Bahrijehaxha 688d
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Yo guys this one isn't so much is a conspiracy theory more of a random question but did you guys would think would win in a fight a silverback gorilla or a grizzly bear I've got my money on the on the gorilla man if you seen those animals they are crazy with muscle
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Oh bro, that gorilla is winning bro, trust me. I silver back gorillas. Them are not serious bro. Sometimes I feel like they're not real.
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I'm with you, I think a gorilla. They're mad bro and they're so cute.
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I think the gorilla just because a gorilla has more mobility even though they are big like a grizzly bear they both got like really equal forces I say a gorilla because I feel like that gorilla can easily get a grizzly bear in a chokehold and snap its neck where is a grizzly bear mostly has its jaws and teeth in comparison
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I'd also put my money on the gorilla. I feel like it's smarter as well.
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