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What's everyone's favourite sports film because I've seen a few and I think some of the best have to be remember the Titans with Denzel Washington am I recently watch Moneyball finally because I'm a minute to watch the film for years with Brad Pitt and Janelle And I think the number one undisputed best sports film has to be coach Carter
Okay, so there's a lot of good sports movies out there. Me personally, I really enjoyed, remember the Titans and I really enjoyed Ben's Warmers. So between those two, it's kind of hard to choose from you but yeah I'd go either way.
For me, one of the best sports movies would be the movie The Program. After that would be the movie Rudy. And then a huge fan of Adam Sandler. So I would probably say The Waterboy. Quality, quality H2O.
Remember the Titans is fantastic. My absolute favorite sports movie is about baseball and it's called The Natural. Has Robert Redford. So good. Such a good movie. And then an underrated sports comedy that I absolutely love is The Benchwormers. It's another baseball film but it's got Rob Schneider, John Heeter and, oh, I just forgot, David Spade. So good.
I'm going to have to say is even Moneyball Okocha Clark Kush car was so cool I love I loved it was very motivating and money for it was just like very entertaining how do you delete a saved