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Have you guys ever tried a food dump table? Basically where you cook. You dump all the food on the table and everybody just dig in. I don't think that's something black people do, but I've seen black people do it on YouTube, but yeah, I have strict stipulations on that. Like for instance, you can't have no kids, can't have no pets with us. Yeah, facts one and black people we can't leave food out like that facts one
I have. Someone did a seafood boil. It was pretty great. It was pretty great and it was like less cleanup. Yeah, it was kind of lit. It's fun. It's fun to do with about 10 people.
Natsu this violating Covid restrictions even know I guess Covid on exist I can't do it I see red by breathe in air oh and no fax from any talking all over the food Thanks man
I haven't tried one but I think I would try the seafood boil. That's the only food dump table I would try because I've seen that before and I've never seen black people do anything else but I have seen a wrap-reduced spaghetti and that with disgusting. We'll never do that.
If my mom saw me like stress the four out waste the foil for that She gonna hit me with their spiky ass shoot or that spiky ass bill she got a On the what kind of black people you seen do this bro, but my black people bro if they see you even Make waste a little bit of foil. They were putting that ass I'm like, nah, they're getting that spiky ass bill not regular bill a spiky as bill You finna get the hell out of work, bruh.
I've seen these man but I'm not I'm good on it like I know y'all probably said they clean the table before but is it still a table man and they put mad things on there I'll eat off a plate because then at least I know only food has been on his plate so I'm going on a table I don't know I don't need my food spread out like that Just open to the air and all that shit now I'm good