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I just want to let y'all know, shout out to your girl queen Donatella. I'm still the queen of the motherfucking soundbites, and I just want you guys to know I'm not going no fucking where. I don't give a fuck. What y'all talking about? Send everyone that you have. Send everyone. I'm not going no motherfucking where. Shout out to every last funky ass hater that I have here on Stereo who's trying to give me bad and trying to give me black. who's trying to turn everybody on the app against me. Damn, you know you that motherfucking bitch. I am her. Ha, I'm her. Look out of here.
see you Donatella I'm with you shit bring the fucking noise shit I'm up the shit ooh on site motherfucker on site tell him how you mad son So are we mad?