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Hi guys dreamy here with another relationship question do you and your partner eat from the same plant do you like to share your food with your partner I've heard so much couples sharing their food with the partner eating off the same play this could be spaghetti this could be beef could be chicken could be pizza could be tacos could be anything that you make or buy I've heard a lot of couples saying that it makes him feel more intimate or closer a connection that you have with your relationship could also mean eating together in my opinion I personally don't like the idea of sharing my food with my partner off the same play I'd rather eat my own food on my own plate no offence to you my partner Much love to everybody but I definitely don't like to share so I'm deathly gonna rock alone on this one what's mine is mine go get you some food from the pie and let me know in the comments
Delete the store another charge my garden grove those are you know do you have a touch my fucking progress Knigge you nobody ever touched by cranberries Nicolette Shea try to reach him a peach on the iPhone screen Acrylic Noguchi nobody fucking Paul McCartney play the baby new Shoota super Publix super nice little school movie what's up and go to JioSaavn Joe Rogan open my phone open the phone you. And shabu shabu be focused
For me this is the number one cringe when I'm eating my food and someone else tries to grab food off my plate I get so cringe it's like I hate it lol just please if I'm eating do not touch my plate but whatever is on my plate was meant for me to eat to consume not for you so you go get you your own place I don't care if you're my brother you're my mother are you my partner what's on my plate is mine
I'm gonna let you know one thing if you touch that plate it's yours you better eat it all because I didn't cook to throw it out so you're gonna eat it all.
Hey dreamy I'm Hawaiian of course I do I love your question do you and your partner eat from the same plate yes I would hope we would in the future I will say this I would love to do a scene from the from your background and keep your hands up
I don't know I can't stand to see oh what about germs so I don't know how are you it's OK just please stop mentioning it already I'm just joking much love to see you why I hope you re-create that scene much love to you during me
Personally for me I don't think eating on the same plate is something I can do and just because I just like just getting stuck in with my food without someone interfering so I don't know how to do that but good for you
Yeah I mean we don't not eat from the same place like we'll have our own place but then like if one of us is going to finish the other persons feet or something we just physically take their plate and fork or whatever
Me and my partner thankfully have no problem sharing our food with each other but we always have our own plates and even if we buy some thing to share we have like separate plates unless it's like an appetizer then will share like one plate there
No motherfucker you are rid of my partner we gotta say every motherfucking thing my plate is my motherfucking play yo played is your motherfucker play reach on motherfucking hand over this motherfucker I'm a body bit I'm a **** so fucking fucking I'm a **** to try to shit
We don't like share the same plate and eat off the same plate and we don't do that but if one person doesn't finish their food and the other one wants to finish that food will eat the food but we do not share the same is that plate and heat off of the same exact plate I couldn't do that that's just rude Here
I Wouldn't say we from the same plate, but we're more than likely to you know Share from each other's plates. It's just one of those things looks kind of odd. I mean, I've been married for 15 years and Don't let you leave from the same plate unless absolutely necessary. Like if you're at a tasting or you're You know sharing something but on the regular Nope.