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All right this is bound to cause some arguments in the comments what's the best fighting game of all time and why what system and give a shit what he got I'm going with super street fighter two turbo are used to play this in your Kayden there's been a few iterations of theirs but that was the OG one that was just absolutely fantastic so that's my vote for greatest fighting game of all time what are you guys like to talk about it
I got two this character roster and you know the style of the games but a Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tsukaiji 3 and Mortal Kombat Deception you know both games had a lot of characters deception all the fighting styles and weapons and more you know finishers and all that with Dragon Ball Z this just the character roster alone was was beast you know I wish they remake it and you know do a a little more with the characters.
I got to go with fight night champion on this one I Used to like playing it on the ps3, but man the ratings and all that accurate 100% accurate, bro You got to actually learn how to fight with your character if you don't you don't get your head. Well but He had a basic game of all time and the graphics too the graphics was killing for it
Impossible to argue the facts so I'm going to see this marvel versus Capcom two and I'm gonna say why because you had to really really scared at the game it was a no press one button to do a combo no you had to be good at the fighting game no moves in combos to be able to be good at the game and also are used to play on the the arcade and he used to wait outside for me at the pizza shop