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Pixie Glitter 690d
Pixie Glitter
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Pixie Glitter
Pixie Glitter
Dottie 690d
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This is just event sesh because you know what it's just it's amazing to me how people will tell on themselves all over the internet in an attempt to try to be funny without even realizing that they've exposed themselves as a complete fucking jackass. One example is today on instagram I guess Mattel has come out with a Down syndrome Barbie and of course the comments are filled with horrendous people who, you know, have to prove to the world that they fucking hate disabled people, I guess. Like, I don't know why they feel compelled to comment on that. And I made a comment about, look at all the people in the comments who need to prove that they hate disabled people, and someone's like, well, look at how Mattel needs to prove that they love disabled people. And I'm like, what do you think you're, why do you think you did something with that comment? You're literally mocking disabled children, and you think that you're being edgy and clever by making some comment about consumerism. Anyway, similarly, today I just got a comment on one of my posts here saying, why does your shape more than a minute long? I'm not going to listen to that. Do you realize, do you not realize that you're telling on yourself? You're basically saying, I am a big dumb dumb whose attention span cannot be held longer than 30 minutes or 30 seconds. You're also admitting you've never fucking read a book, that you're not a critical thinker, and that you don't care to have normal conversation like an intelligent human being. You just wanna scream into a void where you are heard and you alone are heard and fuck everyone else. Like you think you're being funny and clever, but you're just admitting on the internet that you're a piece of shit. It's like, yes, I took 90 seconds to say this because people have thoughts and feelings and we can, we're more than just being compressed in a goddamn 10 second sound ****, okay? Okay? Okay!
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They do they do this reminds me of that stupid guy that I had to deal with him on TikTok who was pissed off because he didn't like that white woman was also including hot Asian men in her post about hot guys clearly had a problem with Asian men but you know that they do men it I'll just I swear
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And you know he kept coming back in we just say stuff with his full chest and it was like really really dude really dude NN and he's not the first one to like do that obviously isn't you're dealing with that right now and there's many more out there who do it like they go all over the place and they make themselves obvious and it's like you know what dig your own problem dude do you dig it dig it
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They tell on themselves they make themselves look bad and you know what if they wanna make themselves look bad be my freaking guest be my freaking guest
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I get it, you know, people think that there's some kind of like incognito mode when they get on the internet so they think they can just be an absolute human garbage pile and it's some kind of disconnect where they get to just be like truly evil to people. For-for why? For why do you have to have so much hatred and think that it's okay because it's on the internet instead of in person to say these things? I don't understand.
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I don't want to jinx it, I feel like I've been really lucky with my audience on TikTok and like the comments are always really kind but on Instagram I'll post the same video and people are just absolutely horrible and I've got a really good example of this one walking turd that on that video I made explaining to my husband what silly string was, he got all enraged in the comments calling me an idiot because I didn't know that silly string still existed.
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To your point about people having short attention spans and in my opinion the best part about this interaction is I explained to this guy that I thought he was missing the point to where he came back and said I was missing the point and I'm an idiot for explaining a product that still exists where if he had taken a full 30 seconds to watch the entire video he would have seen that we used silly string in the video. I just I don't understand people who are going to come with full hate and not even watch the whole thing. You're an idiot.
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In conclusion, people are the worst on the internet. And I feel really grateful to have met all the wonderful people like you that I know. Sappy moment over. Okay. I love you. Bye
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