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Troy McClure 424d
Troy McClure
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Miles Curry 424d
Miles Curry
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Parker May Ferrell
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So I've been travelling a lot recently in Europe and I know it is that a ton of the major cities have these electric scooters and bikes that you can rent weather is lime avoid or boat Uber has its own as well there's a ton of cos I have these scanner on the sea now I found they've been quite expensive to use in a sometimes a 15 or 20 minute trip would cost like €5 Viable on a daily basis to be honest but I wanna know if you guys use electric scooters or bikes in your cities or your cities have them at all what your opinions are on
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I used them a couple times when they first came out but I found that just they're not really fast enough so they're not worth it
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They need to at least double the speed on them that will solve a lot of problems make them as quick as well as the Costco Amazon seven in the bike lane I'm sure nothing wrong with that well I'm sure it will but will be fun
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On the electric scooters won their fun and tutor pretty them in and get you from point a to point B pretty quick I deafly don't use it for nothing like crazy far but if I'm somewhere close I'll use it
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I just want to say that I love your voice.
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