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OK so here's my first world problem today I don't like when Apple does updates because every time they do updates they do something that pisses me off like I like to send voice text right and normally you just click the damn button and it works but now I have to click the thing it's like they moved it over on the screen and then I have to click double click Don't understand why they mess with things that is already working fine what are you guys think of the Apple of Apple updates what's your first world problem
Okay, my first world problem is that Starbucks no longer serves nutmeg and for over 20 years I got a little bit of age on me as a disclaimer. Over 20 years I normally serve, I normally order Venti soy chai, 2 pumps vanilla, no water. Generous that make 2 brown sugars. What the fuck?
Oh, that's funny. So I like Starbucks for the most part, you know, because I like the fact that there's a drive-thru and I like the app Makes everything more convenient, but that's a good one. That's that's cool. I like that nutmeg I like Nutmeg 2, you're right, it is good when it's on coffee.
So I updated it without realizing it was going to updated updated on a time when I plugged in the other day and let me tell you it pissed me off as usual because now it's fucked up my slake like it made it an extra step to put your phone on focus so now that is different which pissed me off and when I do your voice the voice messages now that's different now to it's like why do they do that everything was fine
Oh my God I just updated my phone since you talked about it and I was like maybe I should because it's been a while and the clock is different and I tried to use CapCut for TikTok and it doesn't fucking work anymore so that's what I've noticed so far I can't wait to figure out all the rest and I don't know what you mean about the voice message thing but I'm sure I'll find out soon it's annoying