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This is for your long distance couples who are the relationships so there was a Chinese student who invented a long distance kissing machine that one users kiss it kiss his back and collects the Kister motion sensors hidden silicon lips which moves when replaying kisses So the question is for you all if you had the chance to buy this device would you and the finance for physical intimacy with your long-distance partner let me know in the comments
Yeah you right bro and they got the Chinese ****** in the ad bro. It is very Asian, it's a very Asian product. But honestly it's cute, it's cute on the females. You guys are a man, you send their kiss and the flesh light lips bro like gang bro. Honestly, you kind of pathetic gang, like.
That is so unique but kind of weird at the same time but I definitely will try it you know especially since long-distance relationships aren't easy and when you used to have that into me for intimacy from that person you know it can get very hard so I will definitely try that out
I mean, I get that they're already having sex with robots over in Japan, but if you need that sort of physical attention, that necessarily don't do long distance. Kissing a machine, that's so strange.
Nah, it's kinda weird. But for me personally, as soon as you long distance you out the window. Like, I can't do long distance. It's like, what is the point? If you're not here, you really don't exist.