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Jovvii 685d
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Marcel Urena 685d
Marcel Urena
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Jake Boston 685d
Jake Boston
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Mike Bedard 685d
Mike Bedard
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Okay, so y'all have heard about what's going on by now with Jonathan Majors, right? And he's got dropped. He's gonna get recast-ed, you know, in the upcoming Marvel projects. So do you think he can come back from that? I mean, many, uh, celebrities have, you know, A-list, B-list, like, many have. Do y'all think he can come back and bounce back? Is this just a minor setback for a major comeback? Yeah, let me know. I'm curious. I wonder how many people gonna say yes.
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Hey, what's up Melanus seduction? I think it's possible, but it's probably going to take him like a real big roll.
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I think the issue here right now is that there hasn't really been a full confirmation of what he did in and the severity of it there was of course the one that came out and said that you know why he did initially but then she retracted her statement but now that his management and agency or whatever dropped him that just means that there is probably a lot more that we don't know about and I feel like once I comes out it's gonna be probably near impossible to make a come back from that cause it's probably pretty bad
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Everything is just been so radio silent about Jonathan Majors I can't really come to an opinion on what the hell is happening I like him as an actor quite a bit so this is not fun news agency dropping in there's gonna be a lot of stuff that's just hiding in the shadows that is more than likely probably gonna pop up is a come back possible depends on what the fuck you did If it's a terrible know if it's
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Listen unless they put out that video his lawyer was like talking about weeks ago that like completely exonerated him I just don't really see Jonathan major making a come back
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