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GNA Chantell 697d
GNA Chantell
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ArabHoe 697d
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Alexa Machado
Andrea Reyes 697d
Andrea Reyes
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Izzy 697d
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Layla 697d
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Lukaz 697d
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David 697d
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Monse 697d
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Pierrette 697d
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Who is the one person that you miss the most for me it would be my grandma she passed away the day before my birthday like 12 years ago shits fucked but yeah what about you
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I miss my auntie because she was the most amazing person and she was so kind hearted but sadly she passed away to the cancer which broke me because she was my whole world don't want the music in the back sorry
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Well enough I don't think I miss anyone but a bit of pressure pills lager a deep one a miss myself I gonna lie right I had a snack fly movie on an exception the people are gone from my life right because this is how she is Rama realist by the one person I miss is the old me who is super kind and loving and stuff and I'm going to get back into being like that but I missed a guy he was he was cool he was friendly
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Thanks for sharing that. I actually relate to that a lot, not in the fact that like I mean now and I used to be nice but like I do miss the person that I used to be. I feel like I was a lot happier and I had like more love for humanity I guess.
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Yeah, I'm deafly happier now we we have you know I'm definitely better looking as a person thank God just like personality wise account I took a big turn not for the worse really believe they're so yeah
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The most person I fucking miss is my best friend that died in a fucking car crash She died by she was in Disney because she used to live in Florida and when she was getting out of Disney A fucking old ass lady ran the fucking red light and A hit her side and hit her like really hard
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My brother, he's our Wayne Irwin, I'm in Georgia now.
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I would probably miss my cat the most and my aunt she was 93 my great aunt I was nine when my cat passed and I was devastated because I had had him for five years like almost my whole entire life and I was a seven-year-old so I cried for like three hours and then my aunt died a week later like the exact same day
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My hamster I fucking I left him out in the sun and he dressed like turn into a dehydrate his sun-dried tomato like that ass bro he got sunshine
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Bro for real I'm probably gonna say like I miss your grandma too, bro
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I miss my mom side of the family because they all live in Ecuador and I'm living in the United States and I've been for eight years and it sucks sometimes when you think about them because I had lots of great memories with them and I'm not able to go see them for now but I'm hoping soon
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I miss the most or I guess she used to miss. It was my best friend, my best friend Cece. She was everything to me. She was my best friend. You know, we were just a hangover at the time. I did have a little crush on her, but that came to pass. She was dating my, she was dating my male best friend. That was cute. I knew it was going to last long.
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Yeah, I knew it was gonna last long, last like two months. And then she, and then after like since grade, she had to lose Anna, she went back home. And you know, we tested for a while, like a little things and that and that. But then like, we just slowed the whole part. I don't understand, I don't understand why at first, but now that it's been like a year now, I really do understand because people just grow apart. That's just part of going up, honestly.
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Yeah, I still miss her time to time but you know I still got my friends I still got my friends that I was with since fifth grade sixth grade. Men new friends since seventh grade now like I'm grateful. I always miss the times we had the cheerers. I may have said her long text saying goodbye like for the final time because I did that twice but it's the final time. I blocked her and left her number you know I was still the best. I would never research it so yeah.
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