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I want to know what everyone's thoughts are on women who "" operate like man when it comes to dating because and I feel like Lori Harvey is a great example for those who don't know her she's like she's only like 2526 or some thing and she's dated like P Diddy the future and now dams and it's just from snowfall so it's like what are your thoughts on you know her kind of just living in her prime oh Michael B Jordan was another one sorry like her just living her life dating and I'm moving onto the next one like men do you like they do what they wanna do with them have their fun and they just move onto the next one especially the ones that are just you know having fun and not ready to fully settle down and commit and like get married like why are we just because she's a woman I feel like that's only reason why people make her a topic of discussion because when men do it it's like fine but when a woman does a half I will see the house He did see that this is that so I just wanna hear your thoughts on how you think about that
OK so I'm high as fuck right now I know a couple things about It's Harvey Lori Harvey in to me she's not a bad person in my opinion and never heard like she did it all those people but I don't care what people think about her so She can do what she want she's so young I don't care what people say about her
I agree it's like let her do what the fuck she wants to do she's young she's beautiful you know what I'm saying she's in a spotlight and if she wants to remain relevant to keep her coin then let it be that you know what I'm saying like if a man was dealing with the baddest girl on the block you know they'd be getting a pat on the back but because she's a woman oh she's a whole she's the best she's doing so much today I met your match and that's why I feel like men are salty you know
It's because society has it teaches us that a woman have that behavior is wrong, but if guys are doing it, it's fine. at the end of the day, each one is free to do whatever they want.
I know we live in a society where it's like just a double standard as forever going to be a thing like there's never going to not be a double standard but I think I'm just really annoyed and over it I'm kind of like fuck that if a woman wants to date be a beautiful woman and deal she wants to date and get what she wants and move on to the next one and kind of repeat just to stay relevant for whatever reason she's doing it for so be it you know I just don't I'm tired I'm tired of it I don't know what are you guys think
For me would it cost to release Shiva comes to dating her know that you see when I date a date to May so I dating I'm looking for like a person I can I want to be with for the rest of my life you know say I'm at the Hugh toys time
Cause like she wants to Michael B Jordan stop Michael B Jordan Mann good do you know I'm saying like he was ready to go ahead and do you know put a ring on it he's she's he said this is the one but she said nothing I'm good amount of Akedo mountain good I'm saying like you waste of those top I don't understand men do it yeah yada yada yada but it's just like for both sides if Just come in a relationship and be honest with your attentions
Like if you if you any of this for the sex just for the you know just gonna traveler don't use Orvin yada yada yada let me know if you doing that just as you know just explain because you have a charger before let me know I may just be honest with people you know Thomas deception going on that's why people gonna go wrong I did this while you guys are Boloco yeah women a shit or or you manage it you know I got both sides you don't going out about each other just coming honest if you Do you knows don't waste nobody stop that's what I'm saying
Oh I love that you say that you're dating to Mary and you're like younger but I feel like how old are you because you know I'm gonna turn into a cougar for you I don't know because your responses just be like so I'm sure Mike wow I love that for you and I'm still here for him they need to be more medevac that there's 40 year old men out here that are not doing that it was so fucking fat but I love your mattress. I love it
Yeah I low-key do think he really looks like fell for her for real and it's unfortunate because there's so many men whom you know will know they have a good thing and then fumble and for him to know that he had something there and he wanted to lock it down but she's in her area where she's want to say you know Cora cooperate like to man and keep doing her living her life focus on her career remain relevant and focus on the bad and it's a problem so I have mixed reviews about it
I am 1000 fucking percent with you on the honesty honesty is can you give me a fucking choice give me a choice if I want to keep rocking with you because I think you're fine as hell you got a dick and I wanna have fun OK let that let that be that but if you actually have true intentions also let that be not like what you want out of this because feeling for humans are going to the more time you smell somebody off I mean y'all got a spiritual connection Like the chemistry I need to know what we're doing
Appreciate appreciate that oh yeah I'm 23 it's on the 24 June like you appreciate that unites you know was raised by like to love and prayers no they will deliver by example my father told me how are you don't respect women hood my mother told me no You know how to search for a good woman you know she was a great woman to my father so yeah great examples I was blessed
I honestly love that and I do think it makes a matter fact I'm not even gonna lie but I was gonna say because I'm gonna make a sound because I won't even more engagement but I love that for you and it shows how your butt up definitely makes a difference and difference to me anyway I would love to hear how other people think about that but you're a very blessed and indefinite your charity is this exudes to the sound by that's crazy so I love that for you
I think she's heck a smart I don't have a problem with women who do this in fact I would much rather have a like female friends were like this than the kind who are like so attached you know meet the guy on Tuesday and then they're obsessed with them by Tuesday night I would much right like I think this is totally fine and I don't see anything wrong with it
Jacqueline I am 1000% with you I fucking agree I'm tired of the double standard I know we live in a society where it's like forever going to be a thing but it's like let her live her fucking life she's young she's fucking beautiful she can pull like almost any man she wants she's focus on her back in her career so she can remain relevant men do it every fucking day so I personally think more power to her that's how I feel so I can give you honestly I really do