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OK so we're going to be doing a family RP at someone's gonna be the mom and son I'm gonna be the second one is actually not gonna be there and then you're going to pick me up from preschool and then say and then kick me out OK thank you and then make up a backstory for the for the family and then tell me when you're done because I don't have the time sorry
Well at least I don't have zero people fucking following me with your fat ass bitch you look like a motherfucker struggling his booty office big fat ass here boy he doing in so I can booty like to the fuck does that has a boy like me to be like stuck with his big ass
You're literally a child you can't say anything bro when you only have nine followers you don't have the right to be talking about him saying he has no followers you only have nine
Oh no listen here you avocado look at that fat ass bitch I won't I don't listen to the hearing here I don't listen to customers he does the eyelashes bitches