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I want to get his act sales for 130 but you also can make four payments of 3740 90 he thing is if I'm making for payments I was before meals yeah that's fax one honey let me know would you buy food like this online why is it risky fax one
I don't think you should buy it I think you should just buy some thing how about pizza pizza sounds good get you your toppings that you like your wings and your drink and it be cheaper then 3749
Well in my unpopular pan I don't think you should be buying oxtail because you can cook Nager I cook better than you do you want some orange chicken and fried rice
Oh OK I knew it had to be something because you can't cook Premade premade OK so let me answer the question seriously pay 150 or four payments of 3799 well me I wouldn't wanna make payments on food I will just pay the 150 or wants sex 100