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I don't think personal really fucking matters on the question is getting shot or getting robbed I think it's more of this like a would you rather type of thing like nobody really cares about your voice but that's just my take on it you didn't answer the question to know hates you but I guess you're verified like you know I don't want you to fucking complain to the dabs and give me bad you wouldn't do that right here if you do that I'm gonna hunt you down OK bye
I mean I've been shot out at the not me personally but like everybody who is at the park got shut up like those the dude that I was that I came to the park with he was running his mouth to the wrong people I wanted to dudes want to his car and me and my other homeboy mean waste no time we took off
Get a Rob because then people don't miss day of the shoot you in the hot or shoot you in the head where the lungs are vital organs then shooting in the lies that shouldn't kill so yeah I get Rob and suburbs cause yeah