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Would you guys rather stop watching TV shows for the rest of your life or would you guys rather stop watching movies for the rest of your life? This is quite hard, but I think I'm gonna have to sacrifice TV shows even though there's like more content and more stories to tell. but yeah I think I want to still be able to go into the cinema because it's just an experience and I want to still be able to do that.
Oh I'm probably going to pick the movies I wanna stop watching movies not gonna lie this is not really watching a lot of movies but if you anything by most people are on Netflix watching TV shows all the time so what you looking to do in your free time as they're watching the TV shows so poppet I'll pick movies to stop watching
Or you can be a fucking Sigma and have a fucking grandson and just pick nothing and then you can watch both of them for the rest of your life fucking problem solve is that easy
I think there's so much variety of film that you can't really miss out on it so definitely stop stop watching TV shows but there are some great TV shows
I think I'd rather stop watching TV shows because I even though I love binge watching shows like that so much fun but movies I just like that are like I don't know it's just that I to watch I think and then I can stop and watch movies you know like a series
Yeah but I would probably pick around I'll probably pick TV series cause it's Masterclass movies out there and I've never watched them yet I'm not a very TV show type of guy tell you honest with you may I don't know
How old is stop watching movies because then I have a long I like longer thing look at TV shows and stuff because he has like a lot of episodes and seasons and stuff so I say oh take one away I'll take movies away because I could just keep watching TV shows over and over like what episodes and seasons
I think I could stop watching movies because I'm like I really enjoy a lot of trash reality TV like 90-day fiance or shows like the challenge and things like that but I don't be watching movies all the time.
Everyone has their own personal preference you know Blake if I'm gonna be having a pig between a series or movies I think series because that's gonna last me longer but like I said