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I think corners and they can really kind and sophisticated and cannot call anything at the same time I am dressed can also but I just feel that dress is still heavily associated with them as a variance in there is just a demo hairstyle hairstyle but yeah I guess, have a bit more commercial
I've only ever seen my father wear a crown Quan rose and it doesn't look good on him because he's not full black so I'm gonna have to go with dreads because my brother has dreads both of my brothers have dreads and my ex has dreads and yeah I just like dreads
Dreads already know Conrose K + Marty went through that shit you already know what the flip is a mother flipper I gotta keep calling Mama care because me and my mom go with my buddy holly night anyways oh you know what it is national what day is it is national Wednesday is national fuck around and find out on Wednesday come on come test bitch ass Knigge Las Vegas made the fuck out you right now