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I'm going to tell you one thing that happened to me a long time ago because it didn't happen to me that much but it did happen to me because at school I was in sixth grade and I liked a girl from... well, a long time ago I liked a girl from sixth grade that studied with me and then we fought and I started liking the deceptive one and it was called Abrishid and the deceptive one was also called Abrishid and well, so when I started liking it, we started talking about TikTok and then one day I made a joke because we were in Carnaval milk, I mean, the DNA is all foam I was angry and I didn't want to forgive myself I said, no, I started to feel bad I started liking sex We made better friends because we forgave each other And then that And the one I liked, the seventh one That she had already kidnapped her sister And that's why she had a school leave They sent a note of a letter written that said, it was with blood. And they said, if you leave your house, I'll kill you and that's why that nightmare ended. And I'm going to the normal school. Well, this is true. We're finally there.
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