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Gsil 515d
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Troy McClure 515d
Troy McClure
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ᓰᕲᖽᐸ 515d
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Edward Burke 515d
Edward Burke
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Neveah 515d
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Rezi 515d
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Kevin Castro 515d
Kevin Castro
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Westonn 515d
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Blossom Love 515d
Blossom Love
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Batman 515d
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I am really interested in hearing like what is the I guess average amount of sleep that you get a night and honestly varies for everybody know I'm 22 and at this point I either sleep about I try to sleep at eight but I only sleep about five and up I might take a nap after that button not really and that's really for some reason I can't see more I'll try to sleep but how much do you sleep a night
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I personally try to get around six hours, six hours is more than enough. But yeah, when I'm having a line or target, seven or eight, but yeah, that's just my perspective.
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probably about seven hours probably the average Dibiness
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My average amount is probably like, I try to aim for like 6, 7, 8, you know. I try to stay up in those numbers but you know it never goes, never goes well. So, my average amount is probably, I don't know, two, three, four hours.
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Six hours is my magic number I get up at five every morning but I would like to say that it's the quality of sleep not the number of hours really think about that
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I'm gonna be honest for So I don't sleep at night. I haven't it's on you Yeah Takes me a while to go to sleep You know I got a school and I wake up at 6 to get ready. So I Gotta go to sleep an hour before so I probably go about go to sleep about like five and then have to get up the next hours so I get one hour to sleep yeah
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I know I'd say like probably six hours or so I shall always aim for 9 1/2 cause I like I like to feel refreshed and shit but like lately it's just like not even it's like no no I just I just haven't been getting lately but I'd like to shoot for 9 1/2 yeah
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So I sleep at 10 and I wake up like around seven 3745 so I think that's probably like eight hours if not seven
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I've probably sleep between five and six hours a night. I'm working on eight, but right now that's definitely where I'm at
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Um, um, less than five hours.
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I don't have time to sleep Gotham needs me The city streets are flooded for the holidays but I'm there to watching
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