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There once was a female dog. She was raped by a human man and gave birth to a human dog hybrid. This creature was regarded as a monster by other dogs and so he lived in isolation. Three years later, that creature now refers to himself as Dog Niga and he aims to get revenge on his dad by raping him.
Closet fucked on the floor like I don't give a fuck about it When you cloudy my opposition How smiling my family was just a while Lisa smoking with my OG's because they only ones I really know me I was fucking superstars when I was 19 does should we do you won't believe me look at lonely and the one01 quad a new house pot
A home I'm like solving world hunger to be honest with you I just pay my way like 500 cash out on like somewhere here and someone here in the future will call me under this and be like yo like is this every $300 Oh but yeah Lil no cap no cap no