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I'm ready for the heat see I can just you know tell me whatever tell me how you guys feel about me I don't really care if I want feedback on what I can change in my outfits what I can change my hair styles that I can actually look better
You just you don't need to change yourself Like you just need to You know change the outfit like Go to the gym Get it no heck of it ain't good right? Don't change yourself on anyone. Be yourself.
So her I am not bigger than door they got him height wise but maybe with why is I'm not tolerant in the door the door behind me yes I am but not the actual direct goes into the bathroom and south by the door behind me as I'm much bigger than it
Your hair is giving mad flowable feminine Harry style vibes and you look alike curious George God did I see the resemblance everywhere that shit is just unbelievable
Really you will be the finest person in the in the universe bro usually get a little haircut like suck just a little bit you know I don't want to like going to one side just in a silver in a little bit about your clothes nothing crazy whatever you're comfortable with and then I just run a mile every day and like you know and build muscle mass go ahead and work out just at least run a mile every day bro like like 23 months or that you're gonna look like a Greek me just gonna look like a guy
You allowed to change my game so like first of all never do that fucking mouth pose again like that was retarded want me to go that's the post absolutely fucking not I thought change your hair and teachers stylin clothes and just like overall admit admit Emmett more confidence