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What do you think the Simpsons are able to predict what happens in the future do you think it produces a time traveler do you think time travel exist it Hass to be some logical reason as to why he's always right let's talk about it let's talk about it
Yes I do believe the time travel is a thing because think about it have you ever been in a situation with something bad is about to happen and then you start feeling like that bad gut feeling like oh my gosh maybe I should turn back around or maybe I should go home that right there is your future self tell you that somethings about to go wrong can you put a blank time travel exist they just don't show it but it definitely exist though
Like, I begin the gut feeling like when you feel something about in your presence or something, you know that something bad's gonna happen So you just turn the other way, like that's facts.
It is so creepy the amount of things that the Simpsons have predicted. I don't know how they do it. Maybe they're really at the time trouble. I don't know but it's crazy. It's so wild to me. How do they know?
I feel like they've got to have a writer who has a family member who works within the White House and always has for years or you know, there's like elite members of society who are with the ins of the government and know all of the officials and real deep rooted stuff like that What if one of the writers has like a wife or a husband or a sister or a mother or a family member who is one of those elite people so they get all the inside tap on all that weird stuff? I don't know, there's gotta be a reason, right?