How's it going everybody? Happy Wednesday. Should a woman get involved in a polygamous relationship? And what I mean by this, is that should a woman decide to be with two men at the same time? I mean, be married to two men? Is that even normal. I need to know you guys' answers. Let's get it.
Personally I don't think so but I mean if that's what she wanna do then that's what she'll do but seriously I I don't see the point in having two mates like it is doesn't make any sense but for what
Yeah, to each his own, you know, most men like to have more than one woman. Most women like to have more than one man. You know, whatever makes them happy, as long as each and every party within that relationship is happy.
It is a matter of culture you know in the Middle East is legal for men to have multiple wives you know but on the opposite side it's not allowed for women to do that
The only time I'm gonna let a woman be in a polygamist relationship if it's two chicks and I'm the only guy, fuck that. I'm like, even if I'm in a four-star, like whatever sum I'm ever gonna be in, bro, it better be one other guy or he better be gay, I don't even fuck, I don't care, like nah, like, mmm, no.
I would say if the three part is OK with it as it happened I don't think all the shit forces of Davina polyandrous relationship though but if that's what she wants and her two partners are OK with an issue if you have
I think the issue with Polly our relationship now is that a lot of Polly relationships are focused around men but there are Polly relationships where women are at the center and I've seen it so I know that exists I know it's a real thing it all depends on the partners um willing willingness to commit within the whole situation pretty much at the end of the day men and women gonna do what they want to do. It all depends on the commitment in the community.
It sounds exhausting as fuck trying to manage a relationship like that with more than just one person regardless of the gender but yeah I mean if that's an agreement between all parties involved why not like that's their business do you you know but yeah just sounds a way to exhausting emotionally, mentally.
When you say should, seeing as how we are not the owners of these said women, I would ask the question reverse. That would be my initial thing. But a woman should do whatever the hell she want to do. I don't know what normal is. The last time I checked, none of us are normal. We like to have our own social norms, but none of us are normal. So that's a very loaded question to try to answer for you.
I'm just a big believer in the Uno reverse card because in reverse You know what I'm gonna pose the question I'm gonna pose the question and say is it normal for a guy to have two wives and I'm gonna see the damn response I said, you know what, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna leave here, I'm gonna do that, we gon' cross compare later. I'll be back.
So I'm gonna start with it wouldn't be my choice that would not be a choice I would make. I can't be able to deal with one man let alone more. No no no anyway so let's move on. A woman should do whatever she chooses to do in life and people that truly appreciate and love her will support her in whatever she chooses to do in life whether they agree with it or not. So I still think people should just make their own choices. Peace!