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What's your opinion on home schools and public schools? I'm kind of leaning towards homeschooling with everything that's going on in the world but at the same time my son is so advanced that I just don't know if I'm going to be able to keep up with his learning. so that's the only thing that's got me a little concerned.
Oh my God I'm literally in the same boat so my daughters only 2 1/2 but she's so smart and every playgroup we go to the educator say that she is way above the ball so I'm so if you post in here to public school because I didn't feel like I remember being smart
Since every child like us to learn the exact same pace and everything the kids that are actually smart and don't get succeeded as much so it's like I might do half hour of school and half homeschool I think that's where I'm gonna go they let you do that here anyway
I'm definitely gonna have to look into that because I really want him to go to school for socialization So I think you make friends But I also want him to be learning at school so I can make up his own curriculum and everything like that and make sure that he's staying.
I definitely say homeschool. I have both homeschooled and public schooled my kids. And public schooling just killed them. I don't want to do that to this next one.
My oldest used to go to a public school and we just didn't like it, so we put him in a private school and he's doing so much better there. We absolutely love it.
I have gone back-and-forth with private school with my son and homeschooling public school has not ever been an option for me personally because I just can't adhere to the way that the system has been created it's just not for me there's so many things that I disagree about and the lack of attention that children get with overcrowded schools and just turn the indoctrination on so many levels I just can't support it
Homeschooling would be my choice if you could dedicate the time the resources get the knowledge she would need it is quite a task as far as public schools go which is the way I want with my children be all over that school meet every teacher know them talk to them know the curriculums know what they're teaching your children just be on it that's the best I can tell you
I would love to do homeschool with my kids but I'm the only parent in my household and I need to make money and my business doesn't make enough money to fund my way of life yet. It will but not yet so I need a job job for the time being.