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Facials and massages are a great way to keep your skin healthy, to relax your muscles and even your mind. It's a nice form of self-care but it can get quite expensive. But do you like getting facials or massages and if you do, how often you get them? I used to get them a bit more often, not too often, but now that I'm a student again I'm not getting them unfortunately they're a bit out of my budget for us, you know, being a student. But yeah, let me know.
I try to get a facial at least once every season just so that I can get a really good deep cleansing and hydrating and exfoliating treatment when the seasons are turning, which which is normally when your skin changes the most.
Well, I never thought about it that way, but it's a good idea to get it at least once every season since your skin changes a lot. So I have already noticed that. Winter to spring. I was just trying to get one.
Oh I absolutely love facials and massages are used to get them more often every month or every two months but now I haven't but definitely when I get back to it
I definitely love facials are used to get them very often I think it was like every three months but now that I'm a mom I hardly even have time to wash my face
Yes, I love them too. And as a student right now and working in a dog owner, I don't have time and or the money to get it right now but I look forward to getting more.
I told myself I would give myself I would go to get myself massages once a month because they are so good they feel so nice and I really feel like everyone deserves one like every month if not more
Facials and massages are like the best treatment for yourself. I think it's one of the things I should do at least once a month months to treat yourself.
So I don't think I've ever gotten a facial but I've done massages and honestly they're so nice. I want to make it into like not something I do too often because it can be expensive but maybe like twice a month or whatever.
Yes, massages feel so good, but they are so expensive. I wish they had a type of deal or membership to make them more available and still for them to make some money.
Yes I definitely like when I get to a good financial place like in a few months I want to start getting facials regularly and massages regularly to really just focus on spending my money on self-care instead of like lots of clothes and things like that you know
Now I prioritize self-care over spending money on clothes or even makeup. And I think that is very positive and you reflect a glow from within rather than I'm maybe looking tired.