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Manny 440d
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Renee Shelkey 440d
Renee Shelkey
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JAae 440d
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Senor Pequenos
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Jayde Alexandria
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Westonn 440d
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Finn 440d
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Edward Burke 440d
Edward Burke
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Mr stretcher 440d
Mr stretcher
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Lizzie Aomi 440d
Lizzie Aomi
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Are you guys the type that after watching a horror movie you would be scared like for the rest of the night? Or are you just fine after watching our movie because me personally if I watch a horror movie I am Scared for the rest of the night like I'm scared to go toilet by myself. I'm scared to be alone in the dark like in my room Like I'm scared the rest of the night, but then I know there's people who watch a horror movie and just go on about their day Like nothing So which one are you?
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Yeah most of the time and fun after watching a scary movie I think it just depends what type of scary movie is if it's like a paranormal so scary movie then that might freak me out a little bit after but I am serial killers and stuff like that and you get to your face but it's so after them sort of films on his phone
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I'm not scared after we're watching a home movie usually but I do have a tendency sometimes to dream afterwards and like the nightmare on Elm Street ones oh I won't watch those anymore cuz yeah I dreamed about it after that was not cool.
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after i'm done watching a scary movie i don't be scared really it's just it's just normal like when i watch it yes i'll get scared but after i'm watching it like i'm just fine Yeah.
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It just depends on what's in the horror movie. So normally if it's like a Halloween movie, that stuff doesn't scare me, doesn't last beyond the credits for me, and I can just kind of go about my day. Like those are just kind of fun for me, but like the creepy disturbing shit, like something in hereditary or like an exorcism type shit. Those are the ones where it's like, depending on how good it is, were running to the car from the movie theater.
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Yes, I have nightmares for days and I'm 22.
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Most horror movies I'm totally fine after watching if it's a really scary movie and it's based on a true story that shit keeps me up at night said nothing Mr. shit the conjuring one and 20 man those those get me up
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I'm fine up to watching horror movie depending on the war movie most for movies I am OK after watching it just like X and unfriended for once I really traumatized me and that was about it I've watched so many horror movies appointment now they're not really scary anymore because I've seen it all so yeah
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I usually watch cartoons afterwards and that settles me for the night.
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I go on with my day cause I'm not a bitch.
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I feel like I'll just end up being paranoid like for quite probably a couple of days not even like the rest of the night a couple of days but I feel like most horror movies don't really scare me they make me laugh.
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