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Do you keep the TV on after your child falls asleep on their shows or do you turn the TV off and put on your shows or just turn it off in silence for me I'll keep on the cartoons I don't know why I've seen the same episodes over and over again but it's something about Bluey that comes on that I just wanna watch and I just want to keep watching more episodes
I am I get jealous for years but I want to keep the TV on to play calm music because like it helps me fall asleep so don't hate because like we might all experience the same ones like come on oh or watch a slime videos or ASMR like stop playing me
I actually turn the TV off but I feel you on watching Bluey because sometimes like when she's not paying attention I'm paying attention but yeah for the most I do turn the TV off and just go to sleep too.
Normally I will turn the TV off unless I forget because sometimes I'm so used to the background noise that I don't even realize the TV is on until like way later but all the times the TVs off like a couple hours before they go to bed anyways
Definitely not. It's not a good idea. It's just gonna keep the brain stimulated. One thing I would recommend is a thing called a sound machine. When you can put white noise, lullabies and nature sounds, birds singing and all that good stuff. I'd rather have that on than TV if love, you know, garbage.
Me and not a mother or a father, but I do have an extreme comfort for having a TV on at a certain volume at night because it puts me straight to sleep.