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My honest thought and opinion on long-distance relationships is that it can work. It has its benefits. I'm not gonna lie but there's a lot of downsides that come to it. but if you can make it work then it's worth a try.
I would not start a relationship off long distance. If it has to go long distance, once you've started it, it can work. But you have to create a plan, how much you're going to see each other, what the boundaries are and how you're going to make it work.
And I would have to agree with this as well too. I don't think that a relationship should start off long distance, but if it happens that way, you never know where it may go.
Yeah, I definitely agree, especially when it comes down to these dating apps, because we're always meeting people that's outside of the city or region that we're in. So you could meet someone that is.
Real cool, common, collected versus someone that's in your hometown. You know, so if it does work out that way, long distance, and then y'all end up meeting each other like that'll be dope. for the sake of it like...
I wouldn't really say jump in to one that's long distance I know I have been in some long-distance relationships like off the bat and it didn't really turn out that great so yeah
For my honest opinion actually I don't think they work I wouldn't work with someone that lives in another country because I am a much needed person and I need his presence around me all the time
I basically gave the same answer. It's not even because of trust issues. Because if they want to cheat on you, they will do it long distance or in regular pressings but
Me, I haven't had a long distance relationship, just don't want to. I know people who have had one, but the majority of them usually just break up. I think the long distance, you just like that physical connection you need. No.
I myself am in a long distance relationship right now, but it's not that long of a distance because I we have like five hours between us And so he comes over like maybe once a month and
Long distance relationships are not easy to handle. I have been there like twice in my life and I can say that I wouldn't want to be in that position again.
Just because one of my favorite love languages is physical touch and quality time and I don't want to put myself in a situation when I feel the relationship is missing something.
Yes, and I feel like that you deserve that. If that's what you know what your little language is, then don't place yourself in a long distance relationship and not get what you deserve. I love it.
Me personally, I try to do a long distance relationship with my boyfriend when I went to college and it didn't work. We both cheated on each other. So I mean, it depends on how mature you are and how trust, you know, how the trust is in the relationship.