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Hello, good evening, I hope you're doing well. Here is episode 2. After a first episode that went very well, we raised a lot of questions. We wanted to thank you for all the questions you sent us. We first discussed with you, without, for the moment, too much to intervene the artificial intelligence and therefore there in episode 2, well there will be a surprise invitation or even a surprise invitation to know Chagy Pity. So we invite you to prepare your questions, to send them to us even if you want, as it will be possible, even take a little bit of advance on it and have a little bit of what will happen depending on the answers and debate, to be discussed by us humans. So of course, we are still human. So make So, see you next Friday at 11pm. We are looking forward to seeing you again.
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Salut John, te sens-tu prêt pour vendredi? Moi je suis motivée et je ne vais pas me laisser faire. Signé à va!
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Près je le suis et je te sens, toi aussi, tout particulièrement motivé. Et tu prêtes à répondre à nos questions et à celle de nos auditeurs? Signé John Messe
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