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OK first of all Roblox is so fucking scary I'm 70 by the way oh where the butters is because I was hit on by this like 20-year-old OK and I was like trying to explain to him like the disc and all worked out like first of all you did it what are we doing Like a good second of all you to help me and he's like it's OK Mamita like I'm like I'm from Columbia is the lake it's OK I was like no I'm from the US boy we're not doing good Unless it was so scary and then I got pulled over the by the movie police like 20 minutes later and I was just so terrified
Yeah let's get it straight there's a lot of pedophiles and stuff on there that shouldn't be on there like the ad some like shit and this is dangerous for the children because pedophiles can easily get to them so it's like disgusting