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Auntie Social 709d
Auntie Social
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Ayo J
Auntie Social
Ayo J
Sid 709d
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Ayo J
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Alright, here's a little hypothetical question for y'all, right? Let's say you outside eating a plate of food, right? And this lady, she comes up to you, smacks the plate of food out of your hands and tells you that your plate is low vibrational and you're a broke-ass *****. What would you do in that situation? Cause me personally, I wouldn't take that level of disrespect, but that's just me.
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Um, it would depend on if I thought I could take her or not, or if she appeared like she was high on drugs. Or if she was filming it for a TikToker. I mean there's a lot of factors at play here.
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What if I told you it was Lady D from Resident Evil 8?
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What if I told you that I don't know who Lady D from Resident Evil is?
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Oh you poor sweet innocent soul. If you saw this lady in real life, you would either run away or fall head over heels for her.
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This one's easy if someone did that to me I would just pull their pants down the middle of the street and laugh at them while everyone looked at them and they were embarrassed and ashamed of what they have done to the best way to teach someone a lesson just pants them bring it back to middle school now
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Nah, real shit. Sometimes you just need to hit these ****** or the wedgie like it's third grade again.
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