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I can barely talk right now. Someone said that I sounded ugly. And I'm just so upset. Aren't I, Derek? Yeah, she's distraught about this. And I'm just trying my best to be there for her. through these hard times.
Get it because my grandma Judy she sadly passed away you know how she can't talk no more because I live so good together Good together so maybe if you didn't sound like my dead grandma you actually get a lot of not hate you know
Yo, you wanna hear a drug humor? I got you. What do you call passing your seat? Shocking, right? Alright, alright. No, listen to me. What do you call the back seat? Rosa Parks.
You're also barely living people say you lied but you did come on grandma did you ain't alive you barely leaving bro you say you're alive barely you barely hanging on just let it go
First of all you sound like a goddamn redneck and second of all why does Derek sound like a girl and he does balls dropped off or something or did his balls get cut off what the fuck