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Did you ever notice how rare is green white green is not red light I was taking my goldfish for a walk down Martin Luther King Dr. at 3 AM on February 30 and I was like why does greenlight don't know rib at the red light Lagreen
Really I was walking my dog today on the sky with my pet fish as a leash and I was like bro have you ever noticed the purple did you notice it like purple is really yellow Purple
It's crazy I literally have never noticed how purple and yellow look identical because I was talking to Raekwon and Raekwon right he work at a bartender at the preschool up the street right and the thing is this girl honey lavender rice
I don't even know why I had to cut me off like that but like lavender was telling me all about like astrophysics and shit like that and she was saying the son move back was on the third Monday of the year and I was like bro it is the year 2025 right
Wow that explains it because like little bit I was taking a shower right and the Kool-Aid mayor kick down the door and then he looked at me instead of saying oh yeah he say oh no all right so I had to kick him I kick the door at his split
Like I guess he like got mix were rainwater and that's how it ended up in the sky cause the blue was red but then when I look at like my water my water was a blue or red it was like silver
ment Stop by the talk. och el CNN´s resava. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for coming. Thank you again for joining us. I am sure that you are listening and feel présent today and then I want to call in and mix it together. Thanks for watching. Thank you all. Thank you. Okay, good luck. Peace and good승죠.
Nah, but that shit for real that happened to me yesterday is tomorrow. I was wearing my slipper upside down because my fan wasn't working left and right. Bro, that shit was crazy.
Yeah cause like I was walking through the door right and it wouldn't open so I had to push up down left right triangle Square but all that to say it's all a deal job three tiles and then that may be like so good you know what I was doing because your outdoor would've had to be