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Zah 531d
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Jason 525d
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Drin B
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Rose Emanuel 525d
Rose Emanuel
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ChestnutThing 525d
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Edward Burke 525d
Edward Burke
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What do you feel about the celebrity cameos? Because I think for me on the one hand, I used to read dislike them because it would take me out of the movie and it's like, oh, an actual celebrity. But I feel like as I've gotten older, I think I'm fine with it now. As long as it makes sense for it, if it's not a really serious movie then I don't mind it. It feels like super, super, super serious. And then there's like a random celebrity. I'm gonna be annoyed.
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I don't know I feel like they're just a bit cringey they're a bit like what are you doing here and like you said it does take you out of the film I don't I don't think I'm here for it. I don't think I like them.
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Yeah, like I don't understand what is running through people's minds when they create them. I find that any exception is if like a comedy type movie, the movie is not a serious movie then I feel like that's fine.
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It depends on like when it's being used and like for example when on one Lizzo showed up in the Mandalorian last week that was dumb because I mean like she's not even an actress bro she just shows up out of nowhere like Jack Black I was OK with because you know he's an actor he has experience that was cool to see but there was no need for Lizzo
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I think it depends on who the celebrity is I feel like some celebrities that acting is just so shit I just kind of kills the vibe of a movie
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I honestly love them but it depends what celebrity it is. If it's a celebrity that gives me that nostalgic feeling it's amazing. Like you throw Morgan Freeman in a random comedy that you don't only expecting to be in apps are fucking Lutely. But if it's a Kardashian, I'm gonna switch off.
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I feel emoji game you're pretty cool I think you're really interested in hauling a filmmaker including those celebrities in other movies in like I think it's really interesting only me the McCarriger in the movies even if it's for a second would like some camels her ass but otherwise a really interesting but I can't think of an ass one right now but like I feel like all the Stanley cameos were they were all super cool and I really like all them like they were all really good memorial to Stanley specially after his death like we can look back on the movies and series came music
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I guess it depends on who the celebrity is and what they're doing on there because sometimes It's just they're obviously doing this so more people would watch because who famous person or Sometimes that one celebrity adds a lot to that one scene as Long as it's not like one of those weird Disney crossovers when Disney would like just slap a bunch of stuff together like like Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana. That was weird.
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I agree they can work and be fine as long as they fit in with the story
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I don't really mind them but if it's someone that I really like then I'll get like excited
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