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So tomorrow the super Mario Bros movie is released in theaters so are you gonna go see it or are you not I'll probably won't see it this week but most likely next week I'm super excited to see it I know a lot of people are not big fans of the voice actors but honestly I'm not bothered by it I do not care I just wanna go see it
Apple privacy as well just in fact I'm not really too interested in Super Mario movie I don't know why I should be back matches in the games in the movies
I just wonder I mean obviously it's like every video game with Mario it's rescuing peach from Bowser so I wonder if they're adding some thing specific to the movie but we'll just have to wait and see
For some reason I thought this movie has already been out because of all the press I've seen about it all over TikTok but I will be watching it in theaters but wait for it to come out and like on the streaming service can I watch the temperature but I would not pay to watch this
No I'm probably not gonna see it I can't sit through a whole movie I was just listening to them talk whoever does the voice but yeah but I'm sure people will like it though