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Heccy 639d
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George Ashton 638d
George Ashton
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Flako 637d
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Man, I'm seeing so much like confusion and hate for this John Wick movie and I don't really know what to do because I'm actually really excited to watch it I haven't gotten around to watching it, but I really need to and Like I don't mind John Wick. It's actually just mindless action but um Like I just want to see the mindless action, you know like what kind of more batshit stuff can they come up with to see how how insane you can get at trying to kill a man who's basically unkillable. You know what I'm saying? I'm also kind of interested in the desert scene in the trailer. Where does he go? Is he in Dune? I was going on there.
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That's my favourite thing that's what they're saying I don't wanna John Wick Amina soil seriousness John Wick is a great franchise in our life history film that I'd be very interested in watching John before haven't seen it myself but I had to things
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Bro, John Wick 4 was rubbish, man. I don't even know how they've got a way of making four films of some just indestructible guy apparently. About 40 guys around him missing every single bullet and he's just killing them all. I hope to go away with it, I won't ever know.
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I'm not a Labre I didn't like it was like you said like you want mine is action but I just thought the choreography was so like boring and repetitive and bland it's not interesting choreography story was work anyway by reading is going to be like but I just was your neighbour
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