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So I got a controversial question for ya day bro we are think better Naruto or Sasuke me personally I'm going with Naruto this shit the bed but let me know which I think
What do you say Nick I put the shot on Uchiha beach OS on a leaf Lugia smirking worsening HOS on my forbid you soon again and go smoke around tonight if I give you talking
It really depends on what the question is I think you need to be a little bit more specific because these characters are so like but so different at the same time that it's really hard to determine who would you pick but honestly I would go in Naruto
Do you know what you know what you want bro you are then they go Sasuke dick like you do what you wanna do you Cipro you don't sit up and so we Domine the burning up as a weirdo
Personality wise Sasuke Naruto is his van I have the light oh no like skill wise personality why Marshall is always a mess and I'm good just about us asking us in