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Okay, if you can have anything in the world, like any one thing in the world, what would it be? It could be an object, it could be like a person, it just has to exist pretty much. Well, y'all choose.
To be honest bro I'm taking you like I could've bro you're screwed lunch little less both super fragile casual is Xiaochu Docia's bowl Alminar say that word but if you were right by my side dude that she would spill out of my tongue flawlessly
Yeah but like they're kind of trash now like I won't like the like like the ones that they made like four or five years ago because now they're absolutely garbage you Hella dry and like other how the nasty
I wanna be honest I was gonna put the ribs music in the back and say like if I could have anything with you but like it's really late so I'm just gonna kiss you now