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What kind of workouts are you planning to do are you going to the gym or doing them at home also is working out every day some thing that you have been doing or how often do you work out already
So I'm really bad about working out in the morning even though it's the best for me because when I get up the first thing I have to do is use the bathroom and then eat so I'll be making a protein shake and then I can go to the gym afterwards
I'm on the same boat as you I'm going to try to go to the gym every day that doesn't mean that I'm going to try to distract training them and try to just like be active every day so that's doable
Good on you my dude you got it it's definitely a good thing to do man even if it's minimum 20 to 30 minutes a day whether it be walking even basic exercise at home, just keeping your body and shape is good.
I'm just just running every day starting with a mile and yeah building up building upon that at very low stamina and energy so I'm trying to just incorporate activity into my
I'm basically on the same page. What's holding me back is I'm not sure if I'm going to move to another town so that's why I haven't registered at the gym.
Yeah honestly for this week I want to work out every week I don't plan on making that like my normal thing but I want to just do it this week and like hit that goal and then just work on being active every day whether it's a walk or a gym workout