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I know this is going to bring me some hate, but I don't care. I thought about this for like a good three minutes in the shower today. Peeing in the shower is just natural. Like have you ever peed in the ocean before? It just feels right. And men know the freedom, or at least penis having people know the freedom of being Being able to pee freely out in nature, like standing up, they can move it around, they can wiggle and stuff, like as a woman, I mean I clean my shower and I live alone. Even if I didn't share my bathroom, or even if I did share my bathroom with someone, I would still pee in the shower. Because like, first of all, you can aim it right over the drain. It's not gonna fucking hurt you, it's not gonna give you goddamn foot fungus. But for Christ's sake, if your friend gets stung by a jellyfish, they tell you to pee on it. I'm not suggesting that piss is a fucking antibacterial as some people will do. I'm just saying that it's not harmful and if you clean your fucking bathtub regularly, like to me, I was seriously thinking like, how repressed of a person do you have to be to have an opinion about this, to feel some type of way, because I've seen people talk on here and go all off about how gross it is to pee in the shower and I think that's weird. Like in what ways when we're not looking do you also restrict yourself? Come on, be free. It's okay. Pee in the shower. Nobody's looking. God's not gonna not let you into heaven for it. Santa's cool with it. Just do it, alright? It's fine.
Yes peeing in the shower is fucking natural I do it all the goddamn time it's never ending search the way you know when the water fucking drips the water drips in that shit it just it just goes on in
I'm gonna be honest, I don't think I've taken a shower in my entire life, or I didn't pee. Maybe like an outdoor rinse off shower at the beach. But that's it.
Try it. I mean no one would know. No one would even know. Try something new just right now. Yeah, there's what's stopping you. You could immediately clean it.
To be honest dude I seen that fucking voice thing was like a minute and 40 seconds long so I skipped a pig in the shower is natural VIP in the shower all the time sometimes I pee out of the shower on the floor so my parents walk in I think it's just the shower water
Peeing in the shower great environmental factor dumpy in the flushing bowl known as the toilet and I definitely I support this message and I want to see fuck you for judging pee in the shower motherfuckers save the fucking way
I'm betting everybody is at peed in the shower at least once in their life. From the time they're a kid to the time they're an adult, they have peed in the shower. happens.
Right? I feel like people who are saying this isn't natural are lying to themselves. If it wasn't natural, little kids wouldn't wear diapers and just pee freely. we wouldn't have kids pissing in pools if it wasn't natural.
What's crazy is not peeing in the shower. How do you not have the urge to pee the second that water hits your body? It's instinctual. Your body's like I'm in water I'm gonna pee.
I guess if you're in the pool you might think that way or if you're in about stuff you might think that way but if you're in the shower I am I don't think so that I would like to be I don't know
Oh wow its crazy how your account is already not found! Did your mommy catch you on the app? Why are there so many accounts that disappear immediately or get deleted? Y'all fake as fuck! fake, fake, fake, fake, fake.
Giannis I penis shower so that I don't get I don't get the problem I don't have any siblings my mom does not share my bath with me what's the point of like peeing literally in the toilet before you go to the shower the salt weird
You are totally right I love being in the shower as well there is no inconvenient even if you live with other people or by yourself it's the best choice