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Sandy King 713d
Sandy King
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Jena Schuerman
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Jena Schuerman
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Malori 713d
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Renee Shelkey 713d
Renee Shelkey
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Roma kay 713d
Roma kay
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Angel-Sky 713d
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Andrea Ruiz 713d
Andrea Ruiz
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Brenda Sanchez
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Lilly 709d
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Jania Torres 709d
Jania Torres
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So recently we went to go out with some family members and one of them try to give my daughter a Diet Coke and if you know me I don't like confronting people and telling people people what to do and what not to do but and that moment night I just don't think my daughter from she's one she shouldn't be drinking of soda so I told this person oh I'll just give it for mine which was lemonade and then he said OK so I don't like making them feel bad for him I don't know how to tell someone not to give my child some thing that I don't want them to give such is that the Coke or without being disrespectful
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I've had my mother-in-law try to give my daughter a sip of the ice cap before and all I said was hey I would just appreciate it if you didn't do that you know it has caffeine in it just don't do it.
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I reacted so fast and I don't remember if I was rude or not I just know my husband was startled by and that's why I want to kind of think in the moment
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You said, hey, I would appreciate it. So that's one thing that I'm going to have to have in mind when something like that happens. Hopefully not.
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Whenever someone tries to give my child like something that they're not supposed to have or when she's like might for example my oldest asked for some thing she knows she's not supposed to have I was over here and I'll kind of cut and be like you know you're not supposed to have that and then that
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And then that kind of just like ends that and it doesn't end up happening, thankfully.
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I will definitely take that into consideration of doing once my oldest is understand oh I can still kind of use it that way the adult understands that they're not supposed to be giving her that
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This is something that I really, really struggle with. Like, if somebody does something and I don't really approve of it, or it kind of like, knacks me off my stool, I don't know. I just have a really hard time sticking up and speaking.
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I'm glad I'm not the only one I also have a very hard time speaking up for either myself or my daughters but it's something that I want to change but I want to do it in a respectful way
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Mamas, that's your baby. When it comes to your baby, be confrontational. You tell them, do not give my child that and don't back down. That's your child and your choice on what together, not anybody else's.
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I know I have to be like that. It's just so hard. I've never done it before and And I really, I mean, like you said, it's my baby, So I do want to protect them.
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So in a very politely way you can tell them oh I'm so sorry for that but she's allergic to it I'm so sorry I appreciate the love that you're showing but she didn't like it
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Oh we don't eat that we don't I don't let her eat that or I'm a let him eat better I don't let them eat that and yeah I might be uncomfortable but that's my kid so yeah
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Yeah, I'm thinking of doing that and like you said it isn't comfortable, but it's my child
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This is really hard and sometimes you can come up as rude as well but honestly it's just being straight up like I mean in a nice polite way but I don't know it's really hard to even think about it.
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Yeah I definitely agree with that comes out rude because they may not be used to that
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I don't know why people be giving kids that are not theirs food or drinks without asking the parents They don't know if the baby has allergies, so you should always ask the parents first.
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Oh I definitely agree with you I think they should ask before just like you said they may be allergic to that
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Tell them just tell them just say don't give my kid that shit then I let her eat that and I'll let her drink that do your kid be rude it's OK
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Oh my God I would've just smacked it out of their hand numb kidding I want to say hey like you know I don't give her that I do that with my son and so far they're like OK well a lot of the people just have asked so that's weird
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